Tuesday Night Band Practice Fashion-Interview with Robin Graves

Musicians have always been considered as fashion icons and trendsetters with their clothes, which underscores the image of rock stars or rough outlaws. The English fashion label „Tuesday Night Band Practice“ delivers rough leather jackets and weird T-Shirts with the personal touch and a spell.

Pressure Magazine spoke with the designer and TNBP-founder Robin Graves of the label which has declared war to the fashion world. By the way we learned about the best clubs in the UK, the trends in 2012 and why we need an alternative to the „Forever 27 Club“ for older rock stars.

Hello Rob, please introduce yourself to our readers of Pressure Magazine?

Rob: My name is Robin Graves. Im one part of Tuesday Night Band Practice, an obscure, deranged clothing label based in London. A reponse to unchangeable childhood trauma!!

How did you come up with the idea und what is the origin of the label called „Tuesday Night Band“?

Rob: Originaly we used to meet on Tuesdays nights for band practice. Band practice soon became „Brand Practice“, fashion and music go hand in hand for us so we soon developed the idea to combine the two and start our own bone crunching clothing line.

Before TNBP we had worked in the fashion Industry and have serviced other Rock n Roll based clothing Labels and designed for the likes of the Rolling Stones and U2.

I am an illustrator by trade and play guitar and write music along with my partner in crime Mark Murder. Murder is he other guitarist in our band and he studied fashion at Art school,.. so with our powers combined TNBP Manifested. We have been lucky enough to beable to meet some inspiring characters and designers/artists/musicians which have fueled and help make what TNBP as it stands today.

Is there a philosophy you follow?

Rob: Glory may only last for one day, but obscurity will last forever! Try and stay true to yourself and keep the designs as honest as possible. I think honesty is an important part of our brand. You know, you have to live it!

How would you describe your fashion?

Rob: A battle ground!!

It is forward thinking, but definitely with a retrospective feel. Vintage Rock, but with a twist with our unique fabric washes and print techniques

TNBP05All of your pieces – especially the T-Shirt designs – looks like there is a epic story behind it. What inspires you and how do you get new ideas?

Rob: TNBP does feel to us like an epic story for us, a quest, fighting the fashion war! It is a documention of our thoughts, ideas and our interests and that of our pieres.

Many of our ideas come from music. We create artwork based on our own musical compositions and our own growing up experineces. They are experineces many of us have, so i think thats why people can relate to it themselves and feel a real connection. It is important form me our work can spark  feelings, a past memory or make someone feel they connect and belong to something especially if you feel like an outcast or a roamer.

We also draw influence from religious writings and ideas of the occult. I like to explore the journeys people or characters take to escape, feel secure, enlightened or to belong.

Its important to keep learning and challenging myself. We are fortunate enough to have friends working on very creative projects. This helps put your own designs in perspective and keep things fresh and moving forward whilst trying to push concepts on and create something fairly unique.

Who should be directed to your products?

Rob: All sorts of people can take something from our collections,. It is not exclusive to anyone. Musians obviously have an instant connection with it and we like to support our local band scene where we can. Helping up and coming acts with merchandise and stage wear and collaborations are always interesting.

There are quite a few rockers over in the L.A. scene wearing our gear which is cool. Axl Rose recently used our gear on tour, which we loved as we are big G n R fans!!

We have alot of emails from TNBP followers often asking for requests of past designs hey cant get hold of which we like to handle personally. It is great to hear from people directly. A young band called Howl on Vinyl sent us a great picture of their TNBP tattoo which was cool. Thay are very supportive and great guys, along with Romance, Dead Kids and Bo Ningen who all gave great support and epic performances at our launch.

TNBP07All of your pieces has a expressive and untamed raw look. What are the difference between your clothing line and others?

Rob:We like to push the boundaries with developing new techniques and usuing interesting fabrics. We like to things which leave people wondering how we acheived that effect. It is a very hands on personal approach. Each garment is hand made and finished giving it a unique feel and very individual. The personal touch and a spell with each tee!! would be the main difference..

Is the „Forever 27 Club“ a Myth?

Rob: It is a very strange indeed I was reading a lot about it and find it very haunting. Right from the Robert Johnson Blues days. It s a club i would love to hang out it ,. But unfortunately im too old to join now. We will have to start a new club for older Rockers.

What are the hottest clubs in town in the UK?

Rob: hmmm. Not at all sure, I’m more pub/live band venue kind of guy.. Mainly we would be hanging out with „Billy Brain“ in East London hounding him to stick on some hair metal. We still trawl the streets of the east end looking for a good band to watch,.. most of the art kids and fashion crew seem to reside in Dalston creating someting out of nothing. Old venues being given a new breathe of life.

TNBP34What are currently the Top 3 bands in the UK?

Rob: My top bands, although they may not be playing at this point in time would be.

Jet Black – great guitar skills, great entertainment. Cool guys!!

The Eighties Matchbox B line Disaster – Powerful unique sound at the time and incredible live performance.

The Rollings Stones – Well, they are the Rolling Stones. Still the Rolling Stones and still alive!!

How would you describe the mood in fashion in 2012? Is there a major trend?

Rob: Fashion operates on so many different levels ist hard to pin down one trend. I would say the heritage look stands out for the minute. We tend to concentrate on what we do and keep true to ourselves, along with the other designers were just hanging out with at Paris Fashion Week who are also focussed on pushing their unique perspective on designs and collections. They are just content on creating while other people can try and label what trend it is.

But failing that 2012 will be black black and more black until we are engulfed in the flames of the Apocalyse and ride the path to damination!!

The last words are yours…

Rob: Thanks for having us. Hi to all your readers, check out our new online shop www.tnbpclothing.co.uk. Feel free to contact us or check out our website www.tuesdaynightbandpractice.co.uk


Interview von Marcus Liprecht im März 2012

Tipp: High Fashion – Exklusive Marken internationaler Designer gibt es bei www.verypoolish.com


Mehr zum Thema:

German Version: Robin Graves vom Modelabel „Tuesday Night Band Practice“ im Interview

Offizielle Homepage: www.tuesdaynightbandpractice.co.uk

TNBP bei facebook: www.facebook.com/Tuesday-Night-Band-Practice

Fotos: Tuesday Night Band Practice

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